Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Learning CSS - Points to remember

I started to learn Cascade Style Sheet (CSS)

Points to remember:
CSS is case sensitve : be carefull when you are writing CSS tags. For example if you have created a class name "myClass" in style sheet but you are trying to implement class to a html tag as "myclass" it will not work.

Divs and spans: div means division its used to divide a page int several parts while span is used to sub-devide a div.

"Using too many divs is often described as divitus and is usually a sign that your code is poorly structured and overly complicated." (Andy budd et al, CSS Mastery)

Two Elements #myid and .myclass
we use to main types of elements those are ID which starts with the sign "#" and class which starts with "."

Pseduo - classes:
Elements like links Internet solution team could have pseduo class like :link, :visited , :hover
we can use these
a:visited {any style}
a:link: {any style}
a:hover {any style}

The Universal selector (*)
can be use ad
* { any style}

Specificity or importanc

example :

This is for all forms in web site

form {width: 30em}

This is specific to search form.

form#search {widht: 15em}

Two ways:

You can link to them

tag <

link href="/css/myfile.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" tag end />


you can import them

Tag <

style type="text/css"


@import url("css/myfile.css");


style tag end />

Multiple style cheets can be imported to one

@import url(/css/1st.css)

@import url(/css/2nd.css)

@import url(/css/3rd.css)

Html page

Basic file.css




Commenting you code:

/* comments */

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